Saturday, 12 May 2012

Facilities for Disabled People : UK

Shopping services

Social Services may be able to arrange a weekly shopping service for you. For more information please phone 020 8547 6008. Some supermarkets now provide a home service. Details of many of the services provided by supermarkets are now available on the Internet, so go to the popular search engine, Google (link at the bottom of the page), to locate your local supermarket and find out if they are offering a service in your area.

Community Library Service

The Community Library
Ewell Road
KT6 6AG Tel no: 020 8547 6451
Fax: 020 8547 6454
Email :
Kingston Libraries provide a free service to all residents of  The Royal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames who for whatever reason would otherwise find it difficult to visit their local library.
Staff call once every four weeks bringing a box of books pre-selected to each individual's tastes. Readers can choose from one to twelve books from their selection box per visit. There is a free request service.
For readers who have difficulty seeing ordinary print there is a wide selection of large print books.
There is also an extensive collection of Books on Tape available to those who are visually impaired or anyone who has difficulty reading ordinary or large print. You do not need to be registered blind to receive this service.
We can also supply videos, DVD’s, language and music tapes free of any hire charges, together with wool or jigsaw puzzles donated by the public.
Regular deliveries are made to residential homes, sheltered accommodation and day centres.  A selection of up to 60 Large and Ordinary print books can be supplied every twelve weeks.
Enquiries are welcome from all groups and individuals who would otherwise find it difficult getting to their local library. Please phone to discuss how we can best meet your needs.
To arrange a home visit or register a residential home or group, telephone 020 8547 6451. Out of normal office hours (Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.00pm) there is an answerphone service.
To browse the library catalogue, go to Kingston Libraries Catalogue.


Please see theTransport section of this site for more information about transport for disabled people.

Public conveniences

Many larger shops provide toilets for public use. Public toilets are currently available at:
  • Cattle Market car park, Fairfield, Kingston
  • Bath Passage, Kingston
  • Tolworth Close, Tolworth
  • Claremont Road, Surbiton
  • The Plough, Worcester Park
  • The Bittoms multi-storey car park, Kingston
  • The Rose multi-storey car park, Kingston
  • Blagdon Road multi-storey car park, New Malden
  • Churchfields Recreation Ground, Chessington
  • King Edward's Recreation Ground, Chessington
  • King George's Recreation Ground, Chessington
  • Athelstan Recreation Ground, Kingston
  • Fairfield Recreation Ground, Kingston
  • Kingston Road Recreation Ground, Kingston/New Malden
  • Queens Promenade, Portsmouth Road, Kingston
  • Beverley Park, New Malden
  • Manor Park, Old Malden
  • Latchmere Recreation Ground, Kingston
  • Alexandra Recreation Ground, Surbiton
  • Victoria Park, Surbiton

Independent Living

Kingston Centre for Independent living (KCIL) have their own site at linked at the end of this page with information about how disabled people in Kingston can lead more independent lives. Equipment for people with disabilities is available from the Council Resource Centres at
Hobkirk House
109 Blagdon Road
New Malden.
Newent House
Browns Road
Telephone: 020 8547 6845.
For people with hearing or visual impairment, contact
Crescent Resource Centre
Blagdon Road
New Malden
Telephone: 020 8547 6558.
The local Red Cross may also be able to assist with the loan of wheelchairs, walking frames etc.
Kingston Voluntary Care Scheme is a local charity which can offer help with shopping, collecting prescriptions, transport to appointments etc. Please phone 020 8549 6000 for information.

Day Centres

There are day centres for older people at: Raleigh House
(Age Concern) 14 Nelson Road
New Malden 020 8942 8256, Email
Newent House
(Age Concern) 8-10 Browns Road
Surbiton 020 8942 8256
Murray House
Acre Road
Kingston KT2 6EE  020 8547 2887
Milaap, Murray House
Acre Road
Kingston KT2 6EE  020 8547 2887
Riverside Club 33-35 Uxbridge Road
Kingston 020 8398 0828
Alfriston Berrylands Road
Berrylands 020 8399 4289
(Social Services) 109 Blagdon Road
New Malden 020 8547 6558
(Social Services) Newent House
Browns Road
Surbiton 020 8547 6845
The Bradbury Active Age Centre (Age Concern)
37b Grange Road
Kingston upon Thames KT1 2RA
Tel 020 8549 1230, Email

for more details visit Facilities for Disabled People

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